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Welcome to my new podcast! With the pandemic and strangeness of the last year or so, I’ve found it harder to assemble a party for RPGs than ever before and at the same time I’ve rediscovered my love of indie Roleplaying Games which was initially frustrating.

Luckily, in the indie game world there is a plethora of cool, funky, unique solo RPGs to choose from and on DIE ALONE, I’ll be picking a new one of those each week to play and discuss. The current plan is to choose an RPG and introduce it in one episode, then the following week discuss my impressions of the game and introduce the next. If there’s a recording aspect, like THE WRETCHED, which has you record a ship’s log as you play, I’ll also release those as bonus episodes. I’ll likely occasionally do solo board games as well. I’ll also post the reviews as part of our magazine Tabletops & Tentacles and on the Website. If you make solo games and have one you’d like me to play and discuss, send me an email!

You can listen and download each episode on OUR PODCAST PAGE

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Discuss this podcast or just solo games in general in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alonepod

Support the channel by joining our PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/deeplydapper

There are two episodes out so far, the first is an intro and I talk about the first game I’ll be playing: LONG HAUL 1983

Episode two discusses my impressions of LONG HAUL 1983 and introduces the game I’ll be playing for episode 3, THE WRETCHED.

You can find Long Haul 1983 on Itch.io or DrivethruRPG.

You can fine The Wretched on the LootTheRoom Website, DrivethruRPG and Itch.io.

As always, you can support the podcast and our adventures by SUBSCRIBING to Tabletops and Tentacles both here, as a podcast and the magazine on our Patreon page - www.patreon.com/deeplydapper

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