Amazing Zine-Moth by Charlie Fergaves


Calling all ‘Zine-sters! If you are running a project or launching an RPG ‘Zine for the month of February - The official, unofficial, official Zine Month - Send me a message! I will be doing as many promo videos to boost the signal as humanly possible - Whether you are on Kickstarter, Itch or anything else, I want to spread the word.

Videos will be posted to the Deeply Dapper Tik Tok page as well as the Tabletops & Tentacles Youtube channel and boosted across our social media.

There is NO CHARGE for this - I just want to spread the word about something I LOVE - Weird, indie TTRPGs. (That said, if you wanted to hook me up with a copy of your project after it funds, I would love that.)

The earlier you can get me info about your project - a preview page, a prelim PDF, press kit, art, etc, the more likely it is that I can fit you into the queue. I did 70+ videos last year in February and plan to do more this time, but there are a LOT of videos to cover.