The Tabletops & Tentacles Forum
Hey everyone! We’ve spent a while now looking for a good way to have conversations about things, post quick little updates and discuss things in the magazine, podcasts and website and after trying Slack and Discord and a few other options, we’ve decided an old-school forum might be the best way to organize conversations and let things grow organically.
It is completely free to browse and join and we’d LOVE it if you checked it out and became a member. My buddies and I used to spend a lot of time on his old forum and most of us became fast, lasting friends because of it - I think they encourage conversation in a different way from comment threads and social media do. They encourage longer format discussion and allow you to go back to older threads and talk about something whereas for most other options, a thread has a shelf life of 36 hours. It’s a little light on content right now, but I’ll be posting new threads in the coming days. (There’s also a private room for Patrons, Curiosities and Subscribers)