[Review] Fallout 76 (Pre-Wastelanders)
Image Credit: Bethesda
FIRST OFF, a caveat – I know I'm in the minority here, and I completely understand why those that have played the game and dislike it, do. There is room for many opinions and supermutants in the wasteland. That said, I like this game. I don't love it, but I've spent a good amount of time wandering West Virginia. I think Fallout 76 is a good fit for a very specific type of Fallout fan. I tend to play the game as an aimless lone wanderer. I don't team up, I don't particularly chase the missions and story. My character in Fallout just likes exploring the wastes, killing mutants and finding cool junk.
This is one of my dirty secrets: Despite having played every Fallout game for countless hours since the first game, I've never finished the main storyline on any but the first two. I've gotten close – I've gotten 3/4 of the way through New Vegas multiple times and I have 100+ hours on FO3 and FO4, but a lot of that time was spent amassing useless collections.
That's kind of why FO76 has worked for me so well – the story is essentially nonexistent – You are playing one of hundreds of survivors – You aren't the Hero, you're one of the distinct NPCs with some interesting backstory. You play that scruffy survivor that has some Nuka-Cola to sell and an eclectic, slightly off-kilter hideout on a cliffside. Once you embrace that fact, if you want to embrace it, the game is a fun one. The world is absolutely gorgeous and so much fun to wander. They've done interesting things with crafting, base building and survival. The monsters and additions to the backstory are solid. (I love some of the new lore)
It's obviously not all delicious squirrel on a stick – there are glitches and the armor crafting is awkward. Every once in a while, I get booted from the server. The Atomic shop is a blatant cash grab. Despite the ability to earn them in-game, the only way to get the things they regularly add is to pay for Atoms. (FO76's meta-currency)
At the same time, they are constantly adding new stuff – interesting and goofy outfits, décor and changes to the gameplay. I adore the vending, despite being a player that very rarely interacts with other players at all. I've never joined in a team or went on a vault raid – I think I'd probably enjoy them, but... I'm a lone wanderer, dammit! The seasonal events I've played have been a blast. The Halloween one, with people causing mischief across the golf course that is liberally littered with retro, Beistle-style décor was super fun, despite my level 29 character getting decimated regularly. If any of this sounds like your bag, check the game out. Don't expect to be the Hero of the Wasteland, but sometimes just surviving is pretty cool.
Fallout is an interesting and ever-evolving delve into the Fallout world. Not a classic, but worth playing if you can ignore the haters.
Fallout 76 is available on PS4 and Xbox One for $14.99. It is also on PC. This review was based on the PS4 version of the game.
This review was written and posted in our ZERO ISSUE of Tabletops & Tentacles and was written before the Wastelanders Update launched and does not reflect the current state of the game, as it is an ever-evolving MMO.