The Lost Skeleton Returns Again [Movie Review]

Image Credit: Blamire

Image Credit: Blamire


1h32m | NR | 2009

Written & Directed by Larry Blamire

Starring Brian Howe, Fay Masterson, Larry Blamire, Jannifer Blaire, Susan McConnell, Andrew Parks

Reviewed by Kris McClanahan

For someone that is unfamiliar with Larry Blamire films, you have to go into them with a very specific mindset. He makes what can only be called Intentional Schlock. The dialogue is hammy, acting wooden, special effects cardboard and I personally adore every second of them. This is a sequel to The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra and finds the ragtag group of scientists, aliens, cat women and hapless everyman characters stumbling around a California backyard on the search for Jerranium 90, the Cantaloupe People and butting craniums with the nefarious Lost Skeleton.

It’s stupid and ludicrous and Blamire has a weird knack for writing the exact dialogue you would find in 1950’s sci-fi flicks with the “knowing wink” setting cranked to 11. I love them. This 10th anniversary Blu Ray release  has been remastered, though frankly, in this case, I'm not sure what that means beyond a new format. It includes a number of featurettes, behind the scenes footage, director commentary, a music video and a few amusing extras. If you are in the right mood for this kind of flick, there is none better than the Lost Skeleton series. Blamire is an artist at the weird things he does.

lost skeleton.jpg

The Lost Skeleton Returns Again is available to rent on Amazon($3) or you can pick up the disc, some fun goodies and his other films in the ONLINE STORE (Larry is also well worth following on Twitter - He’s very funny.)

This review was originally published in the print and digital version of Issue One of Tabletops & Tentacles. Subscribe TODAY!

Back issues of Tabletops & Tentacles can be ordered on DriveThru RPG.

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